
by admin 

April 5, 2021

naruto nitotte sorega semetemono sukuija
ナルト にとって それが せめてもの 救いじゃ。
naruto for that only development

That is the only positive development for Naruto.

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yondaime ha zatono shatachini narutowo eiyū toshite mite hoshikatta sō negatte fūinshi shinda
四代目 は 里の 者たちに ナルトを 英雄 として 見て ほしかった そう 願って 封印し 死んだ。
fourth is village people naruto hero as see want like that wish trap died

Before the Fourth Hokage trapped the monster and died, his last wish was for the villagers to regard Naruto as a hero.

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A hero?

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yondaimeha heso nō itoguchio kitta bakarino akagono hesoni kyu owo fūin shita noja
四代目は へそ の 緒を 切った ばかりの 赤子の へそに 九 尾を 封印 した のじゃ。
fourth navel of string cut just baby to navel nine tailed seal did is

The Fourth Hokage sealed the monster into the navel of a newborn baby whose umbilical cordhad just been cut.

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narutoha zatono tameni kyu o no bake gitsuneno iremononi natte kureta nojayo
ナルトは 里の ために 九 尾 の 化け ぎつねの 入れ物に なって くれた のじゃよ。
naruto village for nine tailed of demon fox container to be give is

As the receptacle for the Nine Tailed Demon Fox, Naruto saved the village.

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shikashi zatono otonatachiha sōiu me deha narutowo minu
しかし 里の 大人たちは そういう 目 では ナルトを 見ぬ。
but village people like that eye as naruto do not see

Unfortunately, the other villagers don't see him like that.

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chūniha narutono kotowo kyu o no kitsune toiu sha made arawareta
中には ナルトの ことを 九 尾 の きつね という 者 まで 現れた。
in naruto thing nine tailed of fox called person to appeared

Some even say that Naruto is the Nine Tailed Fox Spirit himself.

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imaya otona tachino naruto heno taidoga shirazu shirazu kodomo tachini made tsutawatte shimattoru hodoja
今や 大人 たちの ナルト への 態度が 知らず 知らず 子ども たちに まで 伝わって しまっとる ほどじゃ。
now adults (plural) naruto to attitude do not know do not know children (plural) to pass down to do something by accident extent

Little by little, that attitude has been passed down to their own children.

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irukayo shiっte oruka
イルカよ 知って おるか?
iruka know that

Iruka. Do you know?

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nan desu
何 です?
what is

What, sir?

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ningenga taninwo kirai sono sonzaiwo mitome nai toki sono sonzaiwo miru meha osoroshii hodo tsumetai meni naru nojayo
人間が 他人を 嫌い その 存在を 認め ない とき その 存在を 見る 目は 恐ろしい ほど 冷たい 目に なる のじゃよ。
human other people hate that existence accept do not when that existence see eyes frightening extent cold eyes become is

When someone is hated and people refuse to accept his existence, he sees it in the eyes of the people around him.

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mitsuke mashitazo
見つけ ましたぞ!
find did

I have found you!

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bake gitsuneme
化け ぎつねめ
demon fox

That Demon Fox!!

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mata ano meda doitsumo koitsumo
また あの 目だ どいつも こいつも
once more that eyes that guy this guy

That cold look! It's always like that!

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omago sama kaeri mashō
お孫 様 帰り ましょう。
grandson sama go have to

Honorable Grandson, we have to go now.

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no way

No way!

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oreha jijii taoshite hokage no namae moraunda ima sugu
俺は じじい 倒して 火影 の 名前 もらうんだ! 今 すぐ。
i grandpa beat hokage of name take now right

I want to beat Grandpa right now so I can win the title of Lord Hokage!

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jama shini kon na
邪魔 しに 来る な!
obstruction do come do not

Don't get in my way!

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hokage sama toha jin gi rei chi chū shin kō teino kotowariwo shiri
火影 様 とは 仁 義 礼 智 忠 信 考 悌の ことわりを 知り
hokage sama that virtue honor etiquette widom loyalty faith judgement obedience reason know

A Hokage must first know about virtue, honor, etiquette, wisdom, loyalty, faith, judgment, obedience and all that. 

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1000 ijō no jutsuwo tsukai konasete hajimete
1000 以上 の 術を 使い こなせて 初めて…。
1000 more than of spell use skillfully first

He must be skilled at more than thousand spells...

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kurae oiroke no jutsu
食らえ おいろけ の 術。
eat sexy of spell

Take this! Sexy Jutsu!

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are kika nee
あれ? 効か ねえ。
what work do not

What? It didn't work!

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na nani toiu ogehinna jutsu
な… 何 という お下品な 術!
what called coarse spell

What kind of coarse spell is that?!

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watashiha shinshi desu
私は 紳士 です。
i gentleman am

I am a gentleman!

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sono yōna chō teizokuna jutsu niha kesshite kakari masenzo
その ような 超 低俗な 術 には 決して かかり ませんぞ!
that like super vulgar spell to never work do not

Such vulgar attacks will never work on me!

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omago sama sonna fuzaketa yatsu to iruto bakani naru ippō desuyo
お孫 様 そんな ふざけた ヤツ と いると ばかに なる 一方 ですよ!
grandson sama like that rascal guy with if there is imbecile become way be

Honorable Grandson! That rascal will only make you an imbecile!

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watashino iu tōrini suru noga hokage no meiwo morau banno chikamichi nandesuzo
私の 言う とおりに する のが 火影 の 名を もらう 一番の 近道 なんですぞ!
me say as do thing hokage of name gain first shortcut be

Stick with me and...you will gain a shortcut towards becoming the Fifth Hokage.

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sasa kaeri mashō
ささ 帰り ましょう!
come on go have to

C'mon, let's go!

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no way

No way!

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kage bunshin no jutsu
影 分身 の 術!
shadow clone of spell

Shadow Clone Jutsu

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uwa suge kore
うわ~ すげぇ コレ!
wow fantastic this

Wow! Fantastic!

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fun kudaranai
フン くだらない。
ha That's nothing

Ha! That's nothing.

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kō mietemo watashiha erīto kyōshi
こう 見えても 私は エリート 教師。
like this looks i elite teacher

I am a distinguished teacher.

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mizuki nado toha chigaun desuyo
ミズキ など とは 違うん ですよ。
mizuki etc as not be

I am not as weak as Mizuki.

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ebisu sama
エビス 様~!
ebisu sama

Oh, Ebisu Sama…

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mei tsukete hāremu no jutsu
名 付けて ハーレム の 術!
name attach harem of spell

I call it "the Harem Jutsu"!

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bunshin no jutsu to oiroke no jutsuwo fukugō saseottaka
分身 の 術 と おいろけ の 術を 複合 させおったか。
clone of spell and sexy of spell comabine did

He combined the Multiple Clones with his own Sexy Jutsu.

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mata kudaran jutsuwo zukuriotte
また くだらん 術を 作りおって。
once more useless spell make

That's another devious attack.

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washi nanka moro hikkakaruzo tabun
わし なんか もろ 引っ掛かるぞ たぶん…
i that even be caught in probably

I probably won't even survive that one.

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mata megane kyōshi sura taose nakatta kore
また 眼鏡 教師 すら 倒せ なかった コレ!
once more glasses teacher even beat not this

I can't even beat that four eyed teacher of mine!

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oreha hayaku minnani mitome rareru namaega hoshii noni
俺は 早く みんなに 認め られる 名前が 欲しい のに
i quickly everybody recognize let name want although

I want the title of Lord Hokage so badly! I want to be recognized by everybody!

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nazeda kore
なぜだ コレ!
why this

But I keep failing.

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sō kantanni ikuka
そう 簡単に いくか。
like that simple go

You think it's that easy?

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zato no daremoga mitomeru saikō no ninja hokage tte namaewo ubautten dakarayo
里 の 誰もが 認める 最高 の 忍者 火影 って 名前を 奪うってん だからよ。
village of everyone recognize greatest of ninja hokage called name take because

To be Hokage you have to be the greatest of all ninjas, and prove yourself so everyone believes in you

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iroiro yana koto darakede
いろいろ やな こと だらけで
various hate thing full of

I've been through a lot already.

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iroiro mayō koto bakka darōshi
いろいろ 迷う こと ばっか だろうし。
various hesitate thing only guess

I've been ignored, pushed away, and treated like I had the plague or something.

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ore datte oreno koto mitomete kureru jinga 1nin dekita kedo
俺 だって 俺の こと 認めて くれる 人が 1人 できた けど。
i too my thing recognize give person 1person have but

But after all that, I found one person who believes in me.

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sore dake demo sugge taihen datta ndazo
それ だけ でも すっげぇ 大変 だった んだぞ。
that only but super hard did be

To find that one person, I had to get knocked down a lot.

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yappa kakugo shitoka nakyana
やっぱ 覚悟 しとか なきゃな。
also resolve do have to

You had better push yourself.

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For what?

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minnaga minna mitomete kureru hokage tte sugeぇ namae kataru noniyo
みんなが みんな 認めて くれる 火影 って すげぇ 名前 語る のによ。
everone everone recognize give hokage called super name say although

The path of getting the title, Lord Hokage, is a brutal one.

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zettai chikamichi nanka neette kotohayo
絶対 近道 なんか ねえって ことはよ。
never shortcut what there is no thing

There's no such thing as a shortcut.

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